Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Matt Watson

Disgusto Sarcasto Fluffy

This neanderthalike creature emerged from the caves of the Anderondex Mountains south of the border. They evolved into their current form in the 8th centery B.C.E. They used to be great hunters, until the great age of technology errupted, and the Matt Watsons left the forest to settle infront of televisions. Their apperances can fool many people, for they are extremly intelleigent creatures, and have learned how to do the least possible work to gain the most they can out of life. Because of their inginuity, they have made many friends, and have made some enimies too. The Matt Watsons still enjoy hunting down the Alex Blatters, but have become more peaceful as time has gone on. Scientist are baffeled by their ability to barf and urinate at the same time...