Sunday, July 30, 2006

Daniel Baker

Inconditus Parum Cervus

This spieces of human has descended from the Josh Baker clan, yet this spieces evolved. Instead of being the laziest creatures on the Earth, they are the most simple and baffeled creatures on the Earth. The tend to fall prey to gullible jokes and pranks, and can get the scorn of other meaner spieces, like the Lauren Swanners. The Neil Bergs have over time taken the Daniel Bakers under their wings to help them live, making them allies. When the Word Wars broke out in the 16th Century, the Daniel Bakers tried to persuade their brethern the Josh Bakers to participate in the War on the side of the Emily Spiegels, but his brother spieces would not participate. This decision also broke the alliance with the Neil Bergs, who fought along side the Paul Baransons. Naturally the Lauren Swanners decided it would be the perfect opportunity to wipe out the Daniel Bakers once and for all, but they were saved by the Michael Fleishmans in the last minute. Becuase of this, the Daniel Bakers are forever in debt to the Michael Fleishmans and are forced into slavery to them. Scientist are baffeled by their ability to blend in with a flock of field mice...

[Note: A Daniel Baker is seen being captured by a Paul Baranson during one battle during the Word Wars of the 16th Century]