Thursday, January 25, 2007

Sarah Kenney

Barrio Bostwickio Cowio

This goyish speices, which belongs to the Lifeguard Class, originated from the State of Maryland, back in the 1700's during the Revolutionary Period. Originally, they were against the Colonist who wanted to revolt against the British because it was "too much work!" but in the end, they went with the mob scene and aided in the American Revolution. Living apart from the old feuds of the War of the Words of the 16th Century, these creatures remained totally unaware of this seperate world, and they live in their own sort of bliss. Their natural habitat is by a swimming pool, usually with a book in hand. However, they did come into conflict once. The Josh Swanner speices, untalked about before in this "Swannerpedia" has a long vast story that cannot be confined to merely one entry. The history is far too long and far too complicated, mostly due to the size of that speices ego. Well, to skip forward, there was once a famous fight between a Josh Swanner and a Sarah Kenney. It took place during a blizzars, when these two speices lived in the same vicintity, and one day, the Sarah Kenney was a little too bitterly sarcastic, and the Josh Swanner had enough. He broke the peace existing and took up his shovel and knocked out the Sarah Kenney cold. It was forever known throughout the land, and all remember that day, or something. Their favorite food is slurpy, any flavor, and fava beans. Scientist are baffeled by their ability to eat tons and tons of 'dirt'.

[Note: The picture was taken during the famous fight - the Sarah Kenney is on the right, being hit by the Josh Swanner]