Friday, October 14, 2005

Emily Spiegel

Lorius Notabilis Chattermis

This species of human was found wandering in and out of shops in Manahattan, it's native home. It demonstrates it's knowledge of vocabulary all the time, but forgets it when playing scrabble. Watch out! You never want to have Starbucks in your hands when you come across this animal or you may well be attacked! During the 16th century, this spieces came into contact with the Paul Baransons. On one day, during a game of scrabble, a war broke out between the two speices of humans. A dispute over the word "fourn" turned into a bitter fight, which turned into an all out war. Both spieces began gathering up allies and trying to out do the other. The allies for the Emily Spiegels were the Jordan Longs, Michael Fleishmans, Josh Towbins, Aaron Sidoravs, Jackie Grads, and other spieces. The explosion of war changed the face of the world forever. After it ended, the Emily Spiegels moved the Ney York City, where they still wander today. Scientist are baffeled that despite these creatures massive intelligence, they get lost very easily...

[Note: The Emily Spiegel in the picture is located in the middle, and is being tortured by a Paul Baranson on the left and a Jeff Williams on the right. This picture is beleived to be dated back to the Word Wars.]


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