Friday, October 14, 2005

Jill Whitman

Papio Minutio Crazio

This rare species of person was thought to be extinct, until one was found on the Galapagos islands and brought back to Maryland. Their behavior consist of jumping, fast talking, squirming and generally funny and sometimes inciteful comments. Sarcastic, but caring creatures, they are known to be "wise" and "helpful" everyonce in a while. They befriended the Jordan Longs, because they were basically the only creature that the Jordan Longs could sustain. When the Word Wars broke out in the 16th Century, the Jill Whitmans originally tried to stay out of the conflict, but joined on the side of the Emily Spiegels when they came under attack by the Matt Winers, Molly Tannens and Jordan Fabians. These three speices were trying to kill off the Jill Whitmans, because they knew how powerful they were. If it were not for the Jordan Longs that came to the rescue of the Jill Whitmans, they could have been wiped out. Their wisdom had been fabled to win the war for the Emily Spiegels. Scientist are baffeled by their ability to read a book from beginning to end, in that order...


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