Monday, June 26, 2006

Zac Dembo

Crazio Drazio Zrazio

This spieces of human was one of the first to desend from the monkeys, which explains their crazy and unpredictable way of acting. It also explains their abundance of hair. The Zac Dembo's have since the beginning of time, migrated to Baltimore Maryland, where they reside today. However, they're race have seen their share of misery. During the Ice Age their close friends and allies, the Wooly Mammouths (sometimes referred to as the Alex Plaxtens) died off, never to roam the earth again. However, this spieces played an intresting role in the War of the Words which took place during the 16th Century. Immediatley when the war broke out they joined the side of the Paul Baransons. They proved to be very deadly because they could say words so quickly and fast that many other spieces stood no chance before them (this came true during the speed battle where the Josh Towbins fell to an army of Dembos). But one thing stoped the Zac Dembos, soap and water. Yes one Emily Spiegel came up with a brilliant idea that if the Zac Dembo's were cleansed than they would not be able to spew out words at a record pace. One evening, a herd of David Richmans surrounded the Zac Dembos camp, while a team of Aaron Sidorovs and Michael Fleishmans ran in with shampoo, destroying the Dembo army. Scientist are baffleled by their ability to erouse both men and women...

[A Zac Dembo can be seen on the left, next to a Joe Kristenbergenlgestein who became aroused during a Treaty Signing Anniversery 400 years after the end of the Word Wars, where descendents from both sides of the conflict are present, being an Eric Marmon, Josh Pryves and Josh Swanner]


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