Thursday, December 15, 2005

Daniel Engleberg

Canta Gasolina Winona

This speices of human comes from the central southern part of the country. Simple creatures, they tend to try and stay away from conflicts and do their best to stay non-active. However, when the Word Wars broke out in the 16th Century, the Daniel Englebergs came under attack and found them selves fighting along side the Michael Fleishmans and the Jackie Grads against the Paul Baransons and Josh Berses. Their intelligence helped them win the war, but because of their lazy nature, many of them died. They enjoy eclairs and tomato soup. Dancing to salsa music is their favorite pastime. Scientist are baffeled by their ability to keep a strait face while with standing the flatulents of the Michael Fleishmans...

Matt Winer

Mommio Dressio Meeo

This speices of human is part of the elite crime fighting team "Pash Binershwan". Unknowest to many people, the Matt Winer's founded the group in the 21st Century to keep peace within the world. Wanting to make this team the ultimate fighting force, the Matt Winers recruited the few Paul Baransons that were left, knowing that they were good fighters. In fact, back in the 16th Century during the Word Wars, the Matt Winers allied themselves with the Paul Baransons against the evil Emily Speigels. In a way, "Pash Binershwans" goal was to seek revenge on the Emily Speigels. To complete the team, they also got the Josh Swanners to join also. Descended from the clan of Ni, the Matt Winers are known to be excellent horseback riders. This is what they fame themselves on. There is the on fable of Gulash Winer, one from this speices, who once fell off his horse, and began to cry. It was said that his tears that touched the earth killed the grass and anything in its sight. From then on, the Matt Winers were known to have lethal tears. They enjoy eating keesh and papayas, their favorite. They have refused to have a favorite color, and have actually been in many fights because of it. Scientist are baffeled by their ability to watch crappy reality television shows more than once...

[Note: This picture depicts Gulash Winer]

Monday, December 12, 2005

Tom Geary

Rhetorico Bengalio Professoro

This speices of human comes from the Virginia area. Known for their deep knowledge of the enlgish language and the mystical ways of rhetoric, they use their powers to inform younger generations about its wisdom. Originally thought to have come out of the Bermuda Triangle, the Tom Gearys have stated over and over that they have only come from one place, the rhetorical triangle. Their favorite food is alphabet soup, and they enjoy the jumble. Thought to be descended from Plato, it was discovered that these creatures descended from Shakespeare's illegitimate son, Minogakachupi. Scientist are baffeled by their ability to continue to read while they sleep...

Friday, December 09, 2005

Anne Marie Frassica

Luhijmo Conchesimo Italiano

This non-Jewish (breaking the non-jewish barrier in this encycolpedia) speices of human is highly intelligent and comes from across the ocean. They mainly come from southern Europe, but some of them have migrated into Northern Africa. Some of them a musically inclined, which explains their habitual activity of playing the clarinet. However, they also run a lot. Now scientist are confused by this phenomena. As it turns out they play the clarient while running across the north african desserts. They enjoy eating coconuts, pasta and pesto. Their sarcastic nature causes them to be loners, which scientist do not understand to this day...

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Lauren Swanner

Evilio Crazio Sistayo

This spieces of human comes from the family of the intellegent humans that appeared on the earth in the 4th Century. This particular spieces are known to be very lovely, but also very deadly. Their nails can extend and thrash about, cutting anything that is touches, even diamonds. Thought to be descendent from the fairies, this rumor was dispelled when the Lauren Swanners killed off the whole race of the Jared Kahans in the last century. They have allied themselves with the Danielle Baransons, and found themselves fighting the side of the Josh Berses during the during the Word Wars of the 16th Century. These creatures like to naturally live in the southen coastal areas of the country, but some have migrated to Maryland. Scientist are baffeled by their ability to seduce other spieces and then abandone them at a whim...

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Jordan Long

Veluptio Demono Toungio
(And Paul is a tool)

This spieces of human is apart of harsher clan of the Glancolukuli that have been known to strike fear into the spieces living around them. They like to attack those that appear to be happy, or content with their life. They have pleasure in disrupting the order that is found in nature. Reclusive creatures, over time many people wouldn't dare approach them. The only ones that would were the Jill Whitmans, who found the banter of the Jordan Longs quite comical. They enjoy eating mozerella cheese, hot chocolate mix, and macaroni and cheese. During the Word Wars of the 16th Century, chaos broke out in the world. Both sides were afraid to approach the Jordan Longs, but new that their help would bring about victory. The Emily Spiegels pleaded and pleaded, and then the Jordan Longs agreed to ally themselves with them. Scientist are baffeled with their harsh words, which seem to be amplified by the unusual enourmas size of their tounge...

[Note: A Jordan Long is located on the left of the picture. She is seen here in one of her screaming matches, where she is about to use her tounge to kill her opponet]