Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Joe Kristenbergenlgestein

Ursus Arctos Horribilis

This Speices of human, descended from a long line of strict, conservative people who were rumored to have come from the other side of the atlantic: France. There they lived for many centurues until a Revolution forced them to flee for there lives. Intelligent creatures, the Joe Kristenbergenlgestein have no need to hunt for food. They just have other speices do it for them, and in return they provide advice. Their habits include writing, oratating, and occasionally singing, which they are very good at. In fact, after some years, instead of advice for food, many of the speices demanded that the Joe Kristols sing instead. When the Word Wars broke out in the 16th Century, the Joe Kristenbergenlgesteins were caught in the middle of the conflict. They were trying to keep peace between the Emily Spiegel and Paul Baranson factions, but after the Battle of the Fourn, they realized that war was inevitable. Ultimately they joined with the Paul Baranson, and sadly met defeat. Scientist are baffeled by their ability to swing a hula-hoop around their waist for hours on end...

[Note: This is a picture of a Joe Kristenbergenlgestein right before he is about to sing for an audience of Andi Waghelsteins, Josh Towbins, and Allison Rosenthals]


At 6:34 PM, Blogger JMK said...

thanks for the name change, i like this last name better anyway


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