Monday, June 12, 2006

David Richman

Pinguis Nervous Canis

This spieces of human is an interesting breed. No one is sure where they came from, yet everyone knows this spieces, either through word of mouth, or through a personal connection. They are known to talk very fast, and ask many questions. They are also very horny humans, and tend to crave human contact 99.9% of the time. When the War of the Words broke out in the 16th Century, each side of the conflict tried hard to get the David Richmans on their side, knowing that they would be a very useful weapon against their enemies, yet the David Richmans only wanted peace and tranquility. However one day, something happened. One David Richman, we'll call him Richman, go hungry and wanted something to eat. He saw a tree filled with apples and began picking the apples and eating them with much fervor. Little did he know that the apple tree belonged to the Joe Kristenbergenlgestein clan, and with that the David Richmans came under attack by them. With no help at the time, the David Richmans sprang into action, using their skills of confusion they won the battle and quickly joined the side of the Emily Spiegels. They are reported to not have a favorite food, but to like all foods. Scientist are baffeled by the David Richmans ability to dance quite well...


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