Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Suzanne Bass

Greensio Idiotio Wifimmus

This speices of human came from the homey country of northeastern plains where they're known to play the musical instrument of the clarinet. Nice creatures, their number one passion is food. They love it, simply put. If you put a cookie in front of them, it will be gone in under two seconds. They can sometimes get grumpy and agitated with those around them and "lash out" harshly, sometimes ripping off peoples faces. Scientist have tried to find out why they become so violent at times, and some have died trying to find out, including the famed crocadile hunter Steve Irwin. Apparently his last words were, " 'hy di' she caul' me an ido't fo' loo'kin in a crocs mou'th?". Their docile and sweet nature can disguise these attacks. Collard greens is their favorite food, and they enjoy knitting...

Captain Eric Marmon

Tushio Philio Eaglio

This sea scurvy, seven seas speices of human originates from the early 17th century in our history. Generally thought to be from a rare island in the Pacific, their original location can be pinpointed to the eastern coast of Pennsylvania. Sarcastically funny creatures, they are none to spew "jackass" like remarks from their mouths. But don't let that fool. They can also act very lovingly, and sometimes show kindness to some creatures. Their predators are the race of Ben Wolffs, the seamen that battle the Captains vessels. Their allies are the Josh Towbins. Scientist are baffled by their love for the drink Red Bull, which is neither satisfying or any good...

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Jessi Polsky

Tuwisto Krumio Japio

This knowledgable speices of human descended from the Panda family, originally from the eastern part of the world. They're funny creatures, for they flinch when a certain spot of their neck is touched. Generally shy, they like to curl up and throw knives at their enemies. As drivers, they tend to fall in the not so good category, but seem to get to their destinations in one piece. They enjoy eating apples and beaver meat, not the raw meat mind you. They are known to be hard working, but can sometimes have spurts of extreme laziness. During the Word Wars of the 16th Century, the Jessi Polsky's broke their friendship with the Emily Spiegels and joined the fight on the side of the Paul Baransons. Their close alliance, the Jason Harris' came to their rescue when they were almost wiped out by the Eric Marmons and Neil Fanaroffs. Scientist are baffeled by their ability to use their large brain to speed read lots and lots and lots and lots...

[Note: Jessi is on the left, next to that handsome handsome man on the right]

Monday, October 17, 2005

Alyssa Quigley

Badunkio Volicimo Childlikeio

This timid speices of human often resides in highly populated areas. They are known to be generally nice, but sometimes forgetful and absentminded. However, their main activity includes digging. They like to dig holes. Scientist have no idea why they do, but for some reason, this speices can always go back to digging a hole. Some think it's because they have forgotten what they were suppose to do and that when that occurs, they just dig, dig, dig. It's rumored that the Grand Canyon was actually carved out by an ancient tribe of Quigleys. They mainly eat squash, blueberries and deer. They do however, practice a strange ritual of looking at their butts (which are larger than normal) in a mirror for long periods of time...

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Neil Berg

Mulrio Etustito Donkio

The speices of human thats known for prancing around the open feilds of the piedmont. Currently, many of them reside near Wisconsin, but some are spread about the country. Thought to be related to centaurs, these creatures yelp and scream "donkey!" over and over again. They enjoy eating carrots, bananas, and skittles. Scientist don't understand why they always have a smile on there face. Some beleive that it's because they're always in a state of complete hapiness...

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Jason Glickman

Quinnio Eruditio Shortio

This cave dwelling speices of human is known to do a lot of work in the earth. They clean up and organize nature, so that the ecosystems in place and continue to grow and flourish. Their allies in nature are bunny rabbits, and their predetors include bears, lions and Michael Fleishmans. Eating a strict diet of cellary and eggplant, they're healthy creatures. Scientist cannot understand their affinity to break dancing. They seem to do a lot of it, which puzzles many animals in the forest and beyond...

[Note: Glickman is the one sitting in the chair with the red shirt]

Ben Direwolff

Dulifio Vernio Seamanio

This speices of human are known to dwell by the sea. They are the keepers of the secrets of the Ocean. Thought to be communist, they appear to lean closer to the socialist side. They like to eat seaweed, catelope and swordfish. Sometimes, they go underwater for long periods of time, and are known to frolic with the merpeople of the deep. Scientist are baffeled by their ability to breath underwater, making them known to be the very rare speices on this earth known as Seamen...

[Note: Ben is 3rd on the right for the Churchill Group]

Friday, October 14, 2005

Emily Spiegel

Lorius Notabilis Chattermis

This species of human was found wandering in and out of shops in Manahattan, it's native home. It demonstrates it's knowledge of vocabulary all the time, but forgets it when playing scrabble. Watch out! You never want to have Starbucks in your hands when you come across this animal or you may well be attacked! During the 16th century, this spieces came into contact with the Paul Baransons. On one day, during a game of scrabble, a war broke out between the two speices of humans. A dispute over the word "fourn" turned into a bitter fight, which turned into an all out war. Both spieces began gathering up allies and trying to out do the other. The allies for the Emily Spiegels were the Jordan Longs, Michael Fleishmans, Josh Towbins, Aaron Sidoravs, Jackie Grads, and other spieces. The explosion of war changed the face of the world forever. After it ended, the Emily Spiegels moved the Ney York City, where they still wander today. Scientist are baffeled that despite these creatures massive intelligence, they get lost very easily...

[Note: The Emily Spiegel in the picture is located in the middle, and is being tortured by a Paul Baranson on the left and a Jeff Williams on the right. This picture is beleived to be dated back to the Word Wars.]

Jill Whitman

Papio Minutio Crazio

This rare species of person was thought to be extinct, until one was found on the Galapagos islands and brought back to Maryland. Their behavior consist of jumping, fast talking, squirming and generally funny and sometimes inciteful comments. Sarcastic, but caring creatures, they are known to be "wise" and "helpful" everyonce in a while. They befriended the Jordan Longs, because they were basically the only creature that the Jordan Longs could sustain. When the Word Wars broke out in the 16th Century, the Jill Whitmans originally tried to stay out of the conflict, but joined on the side of the Emily Spiegels when they came under attack by the Matt Winers, Molly Tannens and Jordan Fabians. These three speices were trying to kill off the Jill Whitmans, because they knew how powerful they were. If it were not for the Jordan Longs that came to the rescue of the Jill Whitmans, they could have been wiped out. Their wisdom had been fabled to win the war for the Emily Spiegels. Scientist are baffeled by their ability to read a book from beginning to end, in that order...

Neil Fanaroff

Gruffio Redskinio Neilio

This quiet speices of human comes from the Mountain Ranges of the West. They tend to have spurts of excitement which leads to lashing out and thrashing at people. Generally, they're compassionate and are good willed. They like to eat mangos and marlin. The color red excites this type of human, baffling leading scientist to this day...

Michael Fleishman

Buwio Slowio Fatimatio

This grisly speices of human has long been known to the world as the large, but lovable race of men. They appear to not know whats going on around them, but don't let that fool you. Underneath the layer of confusion, lies an intelligent mass of power, that doesn't come through it's exterior to often. Usually known to frolic in grassy fields, this type of human also enjoys octopus meat, and reading internet law. They dwell in the south plains, at the foot of the mountaineous regions where they bath all day long...

Nina Gross

Rutio Jewshio Hippiyo

Often found in the woods, this speices of humans habitat is mainly the forest in the Appalation. Curiously, they were discovered originally when the Grateful Dead toured the country, but after the death of Jerry Garcia, they have migrated back into the woods. Some of them can be found in Ben & Jerrys Icecream places, but most of them have disappeared. Now, their manorisms include playing the guitar, and are generally not worried about what is occuring in their surroundings. They enjoy flamingos and jelly beans. Scientist are baffled by the speices wanting of raga (the essence of music)...

Allison Rosenthal

Quinimo Shopio Tanius

This class of human consists of a spieces that comes from the Amazocio. They are leaf eaters, and move in a dance like fashion. Their skin is a tan color, from long exposure to false UV rays. They are a generally gracious type of human, which have led them to become friends with the Jessi Polskys and the Nina Grosses forming the triad alliance. When come under attack by the agressive but artful Aaron Sidorovs, the Triad Alliance teamed up the Ben Wolffs and began feuding for many centuries. When the Word Wars broke out in the 16th Century, the Allison Rosenthals found themselves sided with the Josh Berses and Paul Baransons, alos known as the loosing side. They survived the ordeal, and migrated to the Louisiana Territory where they can be found today. Scientist are baffeled by their fascination with laying around all the time...

[Note: Allison Rosenthal is located on the right, next to a very Jessi Polsky that is not sober]

Josh Towbin

Crucio Dudio Maximo

This speices of human is classified as having long hair and sandles. They are big eaters, and can sometimes be lazy. Yet this spieces has a laid back, almost "dude" like look out on life and are usually happy people. These creatures came into being around the same time as the Great Change of the 4th Century. They settled in what is now know as Maryland, and have made many allies since then. Some of them include the Captain Eric Marmons, the Neil Fanaroffs, and the Aaron Sidorovs. They tend to be peaceful creatures but were mixed up in the Word Wars of the 16th Century, in which they fought along side the Emily Spiegels, the Michael Fleishmans, Jackie Grads and their allies against the Paul Baransons, Josh Berses, Nina Grosses and the Andi Waghelsteins. They are known to be able to jump incredible heights with their strong legs. Scientist are baffeled with their ability to talk extremly rapidly...