Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Paul Baranson

Thugio Billiam Sanchezio

This hardcore speices of human comes from the innercity areas of the country. They are very rare, and are hard to find. Many of the Paul Baransons have been wiped off the earth due to their badluck, and persistant enimies. However, about twenty remain, due to their ability to survive and continue to live out their harsh life. Known to have a chill but dirty look, this speices of human can pull off wearing the same shirt for three to four years. They enjoy strumming the guitar and sampling cheese. Surprisingly, they are very good swimmers. Their allies are the Josh Berses. Their natural enemies are the clean and happy Emily Speigels, because the Paul Baransons just can't stand to see people happy. Scientist are baffeled by their ablity to use a golf club as a useful weapon, and their inability to hit the actual golf ball that far...


At 8:33 AM, Blogger Kirbyent said...

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