Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Jason Hofberg

Rentio Phunnio Bowlio

This spieces of human comes from Washington D.C. Well actually, the area that is now called Washington D.C. Beleived to have been wandering the Earth 1000's of years ago, the Jason Hofbergs were among the caveman, playing their favorite game, bowling, with the likes of Fred Flintstone. But as time passed, the Jason Hofbergs evolved and assimilated into the modern world. Their favorite food is spagetti with butter, and as well as bowling, the Jason Hofbergs also enjoy water skiing. Through out their time, they have befriended the Andy Levine's, and have become the closests of allies. When the Word Wars broke out in the 16th Century the Jason Hofbergs and the Andy Levines joined the fight along side the Josh Towbins, Emily Spiegels and Neil Fanaroffs. Their valor was proved in The Battle of Fourn where a battalion of Hofbergs and Levines stormed upon an encampment of Jordan Fabians and Ben Wolffs and won the battle. Scientist are baffelled by their ability to drive with unbelievable stunts...


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