Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Allon Vishkin

Curluo Israelio Helloio

This foreign speices of human is new to this planet. They came into being only 100 years ago when a ship of them landed in the middle of the country. They said they had to leave their planet because of the warfare and devastation, plus the schools were bad. They have assimilated into our culture, but have held onto their funny accent that sets them apart from other types of people. Because they originally come from plante Kunkapu the Allon Vishkins are known to shoot laser beams from their eyeballs. It's a neat trick that helps them out a lot, especially in the kitchen. In their time here on this planet, they have come to ally themselves with the Neil Fanaroffs and the Aaron Franks. They helped win the skirmish against the Seamen, opening up the seas for people to use. Scientist are baffeled by their ability to learn the earthly game of chess, and how they have never lost at it...


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