Monday, November 21, 2005

Jordan Fabian

Frontio Repobio Wookio

This spieces of human comes from the caves of the nor. They are hairy creatures, and talk with a dog/bear like fashion. They communicate with other animals with these sounds. Because of this, they can control the wild animals of the world. Nice but crazy creatures, the Jordan Fabians are known for their thrashing and their singing abilities. They enjoy eating ginger flavored cookies and pestrami on rye. Because of their warring manor, they've come to brawl with the Michael Fleishmans. Both creatures warlike in manor have been fighting for ages. During the Word Wars of the 16th Century, the Jordan Fabians joined the Paul Baransons and Josh Bers against the Michael Fleishmans. They survived the struggle fairly well, and even though their side lost, they escaped back to the mountains where they lived for three hundred years. Most people know them know as the cavemen of old, but that is a misnomer. They enjoy iceskating and creating card houses. Scientist are baffeled by the Jordan Fabians when they talk about how their sisters have sex for money...


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