Saturday, November 19, 2005

Jhanna Levin

Surlio Oldio Mommio

This spieces of human is known to the class of rulers. They are known to have many connections and hold a great amount power over all of the other spieces of the human race. These creatures, smart, funny, and very commanding, have brought peace and tranquility to the earth many times. They brought an end to the Word Wars of the 16th Century, and created a treaty with the fighting sides. Known for their power of lightning strikes from their hands, no one dares provoke them. They originated from the area known as Laurel, and from there have branched out all over creation. Their favorite foods are beef jerky, and enchaladas. Scientist are baffeled by the inablity to hate these creatures. They have deemed that is against physics to hate the Jhanna Levines...


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