Monday, November 14, 2005

Molly Tannen

Sughio Eyutno Huggio

This spieces of human originates from the mid-east. They are very kind creatures, and our known for their tight, and sometimes deadly hugs. They perform a weird practice in which they swim very fast to this island in the patapsco river where they run around naked and kill Michael Fleishmans for their food. It's an ancient ritual that has been performed for many centuries. They burn the Fleishman meat in a special way, because the Molly Tannens beleive an evil spirit is trapped in the meat. Their main allies are the Danielle Baransons. These creatures are also very intelligent. They can tie many knots and are proud of it. In fact they are the source for knots in all the world. Scientist are baffeled by their ability to tie a knot that could hold five Michael Fleishmans...


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