Sunday, February 05, 2006

Josh Baker

Relaxio Lazio

This speices of human is the laziest out of all of them. They're known to be able to sit in one place for years. The most well known of the Josh Bakers, was Purple Strip Josh Baker who sat in one place for 20 years. Legend has it that the blues style of music actually developed from the early form of this speices, because of their laziness with musical instruments. Their favorite pastimes are watching paint dry, and playing Jenga. During the Word Wars of the 16th Century, the Josh Bakers were absent from the whole seen. Apparently the though of fighting a war of words was too much for this spieces, and they went to an island and setteled it. This island is now known as Jamaica, don't ask. Scientist are baffeled by their ability to with stand the presence of their ally, the Michael Fleishmans...

[Note: The Baker located on the right, next to the Fleishman]


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