Thursday, December 15, 2005

Matt Winer

Mommio Dressio Meeo

This speices of human is part of the elite crime fighting team "Pash Binershwan". Unknowest to many people, the Matt Winer's founded the group in the 21st Century to keep peace within the world. Wanting to make this team the ultimate fighting force, the Matt Winers recruited the few Paul Baransons that were left, knowing that they were good fighters. In fact, back in the 16th Century during the Word Wars, the Matt Winers allied themselves with the Paul Baransons against the evil Emily Speigels. In a way, "Pash Binershwans" goal was to seek revenge on the Emily Speigels. To complete the team, they also got the Josh Swanners to join also. Descended from the clan of Ni, the Matt Winers are known to be excellent horseback riders. This is what they fame themselves on. There is the on fable of Gulash Winer, one from this speices, who once fell off his horse, and began to cry. It was said that his tears that touched the earth killed the grass and anything in its sight. From then on, the Matt Winers were known to have lethal tears. They enjoy eating keesh and papayas, their favorite. They have refused to have a favorite color, and have actually been in many fights because of it. Scientist are baffeled by their ability to watch crappy reality television shows more than once...

[Note: This picture depicts Gulash Winer]


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