Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Jordan Long

Veluptio Demono Toungio
(And Paul is a tool)

This spieces of human is apart of harsher clan of the Glancolukuli that have been known to strike fear into the spieces living around them. They like to attack those that appear to be happy, or content with their life. They have pleasure in disrupting the order that is found in nature. Reclusive creatures, over time many people wouldn't dare approach them. The only ones that would were the Jill Whitmans, who found the banter of the Jordan Longs quite comical. They enjoy eating mozerella cheese, hot chocolate mix, and macaroni and cheese. During the Word Wars of the 16th Century, chaos broke out in the world. Both sides were afraid to approach the Jordan Longs, but new that their help would bring about victory. The Emily Spiegels pleaded and pleaded, and then the Jordan Longs agreed to ally themselves with them. Scientist are baffeled with their harsh words, which seem to be amplified by the unusual enourmas size of their tounge...

[Note: A Jordan Long is located on the left of the picture. She is seen here in one of her screaming matches, where she is about to use her tounge to kill her opponet]


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